Not Worried About the Ground and Existing Structure? Well You Should Be!

Event Pass Information

Event Pass Type
In-Person - Student with Valid IDFREE
In-Person - General Public$10.00 USD
In-Person - AIA Member (not AIANY)$10.00 USD

Event Details

Join us for an introduction to environmental and geotechnical due diligence procedures. This presentation aims to provide architects with the basic principles and techniques used to evaluate new and existing properties for development. What sort of assessments are needed to identify and avoid, or at least plan for, potential project pitfalls? Topics covered include Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA), Asbestos and Lead Paint Surveys, Remedial Action, and Geotechnical Investigations. These studies assist owners and developers in moving projects forward. Be better prepared to advise your clients and help get projects out of the ground and into the design and construction phases!

Matthew Bruno, P.E., SLRP, Senior Project Manager, Whitestone Associates, Inc.
Larry Keller, Performance and Management, Whitestone Associates, Inc.

About the Speakers:
Matthew Bruno is a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) with over 12 years of experience in environmental consulting and project management. He has an in-depth knowledge of ASTM E-1527-21 standards for Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (TRSR), Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA), and Administrative Requirements for the Remediation of Contaminated Sites (ARRCS). Bruno has worked on a wide range of complex, multidisciplinary investigation and remediation projects in New Jersey and New York and is experienced in both corporate and site-specific health and safety program management. Prior to joining Whitestone, Bruno held progressively responsible positions with Peak Environmental having been promoted from a Project Scientist to Project Manager then to a Senior Project Manager. He also was a Geologist/Senior Scientist with Parsons Corporation and a Staff Scientist with Langan Engineering and Environmental Service

Larry Keller a licensed professional engineer in 23 states and the District of Columbia, Keller has been providing geotechnical engineering and environmental services in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions for more than 30 years. He is currently responsible for the overall performance and management of Whitestone’s geotechnical services division. Keller is proficient at resolving problematic subsurface conditions and evaluating risks associated with difficult geotechnical and environmental-related problems. Keller’s geotechnical engineering experience includes shallow and deep foundations, mid to high-rise buildings, ground improvement, slope stability, stream and dam rehabilitation, levee condition assessment, settlement prediction and analysis, failure investigations, instrumentation, underpinning, reinforced soil slopes and retaining walls, embankments on compressible materials, roadways, airports, excavation support systems, depth to bedrock studies, in-situ testing, subsurface grouting, and sinkhole mitigation. He also performs environmental services related to wastewater engineering including feasibility studies, subsurface disposal system siting, mounding analyses, discharge to groundwater and sewer system permitting, package treatment plant design plan preparation, and construction administration.